Thursday, June 30, 2005

Good and evil in software

As a sort of game, with my friends we started dividing the IT universe in good and evil:

The rule of the software universe should be: get a lot with little effort.
Things of a sort will pair with things of the same sort.

Hibernate, strong typing, intellij, dhtml, jtds and sql server, lucene, abstract support classes, sql, google, caucho resin, the relational model.

Internet explorer, microsoft, firefox.

Model-view-controller, oracle, bea, xml, ant, ejb, all apache projects, jdeveloper, mysql (apart from utf-8), role-based security, java "final" keywork, java interfaces (causing the evil cast need), custom code, custom projects, lonely programmers, o-o considerations for persistence.

Of course this is quite rough, but it gives an idea on where we stand :-) .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ciao Pietro sono Daniele (webdev) cercando hibernate ho trovato il tuo nome ed il to blog :-). Ho letto con curiosità le tue riflessioni ed ad un certo punto sonn inciampato su "Model-view-controller" = BAD ? come mai pensi questo ? noi lo stiamo usando da tempo e la produttività è cresciuta enormemente... prima o poi dobbiamo trovare il tempo per una chiaccherata.

02 March, 2006 01:42  

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