Friday, June 10, 2005

History of Open Lab, part II -development

From the very start, I organized development around a single build. This way you enforce brief development cycles, constantly refining build process. This line has been essentially preserved up to today, even if company's expansion and project acquisition have endangered and at times compromized this strategy. Now (2005) there is a team of 13 internal developers following my builds, plus a customer using my builds as API. As soon as jblooming is really out, this could get a really large group.

In fact Open Lab has around 100 releaed coomercial software projects, which are in reality all versions of the same application.

This is a great advantage if your aim is developing very few software products; it can be disastrous if your aim is to release custom solutions.

As for what "the" build is made of, this has changed quite in time; we moved from
(2001-2002) asp+access+html, to asp+access+dll, to asp+flash, or asp+flash+xml,
(2003-2004) to java classes + db4o+jsp, to to java classes + hand made o/r mapping+ pet store framework, to java classes + jdo + a simplified pet store ...

Today (2005) wa have our own complete and stable framework, jblooming, whose core is based on hibernate and an original idea of object-oriented/jsp/html combination which makes incredibly powerful display components.


Blogger Carl Rosenberger said...

Hi Pietro,

it's been a long time since we have last been in contact. Are you staying in touch with what is happening in the JDO world? It looks like all JDO vendors are migrating to EJB3. Which JDO product are you using?

Did you get the message that we opensourced db4o? I think we have a very nice idea to make development even more object oriented: True native queries expressed with Java semantics.

Best wishes from Munich to Firenze,
Carl Rosenberger
Chief Software Architect
db4objects Inc.

24 July, 2005 15:18  
Blogger Pietro Polsinelli said...

I'm not using JDO; I always found it unsatisfactory. I am happily using Hibernate, in all forms. Happy that db4o keeps going.

25 July, 2005 09:44  

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